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History Of Apple Company

History Of Apple Company

It's been 40 years since Apple was first
founded and now it's one of the most
popular brands in technology but do you
want to know how it all started my name
is Martin Noble let's go and see the
history of Apple
let's go back to April 2 first 1976
computers were as big as the size of a
room back in those days this was the day
Apple was founded by a 42-year-old
electronics worker Ronald Wayne and
mid-20s college dropout Steve Jobs and
Steve Wozniak who both had a vision of
changing the way how people viewed
computers they both wanted to make
computers small enough for people to
easily use in their homes and offices
all three worked at Atari at the time
and thus the first Apple logo was
created depicting Isaac Newton and his
gravity experiment the second Apple logo
with the rainbow Apple and that shape is
now used as Apple's present logo
together jobs and was created the Apple
one which only sold as a circuit board
and did not come with a keyboard or case
Ronald Wayne left twelve days after the
founding of Apple and sold his shares to
jobs and was for $800 this was partly
due to jobs arrogant and narcissistic
a personality that made him have a hard
time working with him Apple gained just
enough sales to start building the Apple
2 introduced in 1977 compared with the
Apple one was greatly improved and
redesigned with a built-in keyboard and
the case along with floppy disk drives but
the war began with IBM when in 1980 Dane
traduced their own PC Apple dem went to
Xerox PARC and used their GUI for future
products Apple then released to Apple
free and the Lisa which both failed but
now with the time that Apple would
released a computer which would change
the way people saw computers forever On January 24th 1984 Steve Jobs unveiled
the Macintosh to a huge audience which
responded with thunderous applaud which
lasted for over a minute
it had a Motorola 68 km 128 kilobytes
round and it introduced the mouse and
Apple GUI
to the main public, it was marketed as
the computer for the rest of us
referring to non-DOS users it sold well
at the time in 1985 Jobs was forced out
of his own company by board member John
Sculley due to a power struggle all of
the board sided was sculling in the same
the year was left apple along with some
members of the original Macintosh team
Jobs dem went on to buy Pixar from
George Lucas director Star Wars and Jobs
also founded a company called next to the
The next cube did not sell well when it was
released in 1987 Apple released a
Macintosh to the first Mac to have colour
graphics other variants of the Macintosh
were also released including the Mac LC
standing for low cost and the SE
standing for system expansion in the
early 90s apple decided to give it a
shot and making a portable Mac the first
the time they failed horribly with the
Macintosh portable was anything but
portable it was so heavy and not
convenient but Apple got its rights the
next time with the PowerBook 100 the
Apple vs IBM battle continues
not only in sales but in advertising
this is a Macintosh personal computer
this is an ordinary PC this is the
world's easiest personal computer this
are an ordinary PC and now Apple's losing
the game thanks to windows 3.0 s new GUI
the response was free new Mac lines
Quadra centrist and performer now this
the tactic will later by Apple horribly in
1994 Apple partnered up with IBM and
started developing PowerPC processors
replacing the six 8k processors the
power Macintosh line was a direct result
of this now Apple has been over
producing with computers named by
numbers from 1400 to 9600 the
overproduction has resulted in Apple
losing money every year as well as due
to the fact that more people are
flocking over to Windows 95 with its
ability to connect to the internet even
the most simple question could not be
answered which Mac should you get in
1997 Apple CEO Gil Amelio had no choice
and decide to purchase next as a result
Steve Jobs returned to the company as AI
CEO Microsoft then entered into a
partnership with Apple giving them 150
million to get itself back on its feet
most of the numbered. 

      Mac products were
abolished under jobs control in July
1998 Jobs and Jonathan I will save Apple
and secure apple legacy and with that
the iMac was released it was designed to
stand out from the beige and black
competition and once again Apple
released a product with massive applause
it was easy to use easy to connect to
new Internet has USB ports and Apple
began to once again dominate the
computer market I've also started
phasing out their beige products
replacing them with eye-catching
computers such as the Power Mac g4 a
blue and white one year later the iBook
Apple's first consumer laptop was
released it was the first Apple laptop
which came with a Wi-Fi card this was
the beginning of Apple's consumer liner
therefore laptops which eventually
separated into the MacBook and MacBook
Air in March 2001 Apple introduced Mac
OS 10 it's awkward design was impressive
for the time however the main problem
was that it was slow and it lacks some
important features and there was barely
any software for it the second release
was significantly faster and had more
support the current OS 10 release is
10.11 El Capitan
in that same yes Steve Jobs introduced
the iPod saw well due to the fact it
was simple to use compared to other mp3
players at the time and it was the right
size this was one of the first products
of Apple's digital hub strategy which
included iMovie and iTunes the only
problem was they could not work with
Windows computers at the time the iPod
then evolved to many types including
nano touch and shuffle one other
the introduction was the Apple retail store
it had many key features such as the
Genius Bar and you could test Mac's
before you potentially buy them in the
early 2000s Apple switched from CRT
screens to LCDs and Apple's consumer
products began to turn white and their
professional line turn aluminium by 2006
Apple made the switch from PowerPC to Intel chips   

      The digital hub gets a new
addition with Apple introducing the
iPhone at Macworld 2007 nobody knew how
much it would impact the world 9 years
on the iPhone kicked off the smartphone
market and nowadays you'll see people
with an iPhone or Android in their
pocket this is Apple's third most
a popular product which increased Apple's
market share the iPod Touch was also
introduced a year and it was very
popular for young people who wanted a
new iPhone lookalike iTunes also had a
huge impact on society with
up-and-coming artists able to share
their music in new ways never before
nowadays people now use cheap music
streaming software such as Spotify in
2010 Apple introduced the iPad which was
designed to be the middle product
between a smartphone and a computer in
2011 Jobs became very weak because in
2004 he was diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer and his cancer was reaching his
final stages and after the introduction
of iCloud
he eventually resigned a CEO on August
2011 with Timothy Tim Cook taking over
his directives jobs remained at Apple as
chairman of the board and he worked
every day until his death on October 5th
2011 on Apple's website they showed
dissipate respects many also left
flowers and Apple retail stores at the
time although Apple no longer innovates
as much the marks that Steve Jobs Steve
Wozniak Johnny I've and countless others
have left underworld
has greatly improved society and made
our lives much
easier so there you have it the history


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